On Campus and Off Campus Resources
San Francisco State University supports the academic and personal success of all students regardless of immigration status. At the Dream Resource Center, we provide a space for undocumented students and students in mixed status families to gather resources and support. Below we provide a list of resources that can help the SF State community best support our growing immgrant population. We hope this packet can guide you in better supporting our AB 540/ undocumented students as they begin to seek guidance from their SF State family. Students continue to need support in the healing process as well as in their advocacy efforts. In the following sections you will find detailed resources that are available on and off campus.
Counseling and Psychological Services Center, Student Services Building Room 208
Open Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. and Fridays: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: (415) 338-2208 TDD: (415) 338-4321 Fax: (415) 338-6149
- One on one appointments available: We have connected with Counseling and Psychological Services to ensure students are getting the support they need. Students can schedule appointments or come in for a walk-in.
- UndocuTalks: We have partnered with Clinical Counselor Yolanda Gamboa to provide a safe space where students can come together to talk and debrief as a group.
AB 540 Dream Office, Student Services Building Room 206
Luis A. De Paz Fernandez, AB 540 Dream Coordinator
Phone: (415) 405-3503 Email: drc@sfsu.edu Email: ldepaz@sfsu.edu
- One on one appointments available
- AB 540 residency support
- Dream aid support
- Legal referrals
- One stop shop for campus resources if students don’t know where to go or who to ask for help
Financial Aid One Stop, Student Services Building 1st Floor
Jasmin E. Siguenza
AB 540 Dream Financial Aid Counselor
One Stop Student Services
Carlo La Rosa
AB 540 Dream Financial Aid Counselor
One Stop Student Services
University Police Department, on the Lake Merced Blvd side of the campus on North State Drive
Open 24 hours/365 days
In case of EMERGENCY dial 9-1-1 from a campus phone line
or (415) 338 -2222 from a cell phone.
Non-emergency: (415) 338-7200
Dream Resource Center Advisory Board
A group of staff, faculty, and students came together in 2012 to establish this task force to institutionalize equitable pathways for undocumented students. Today we are proud to have evolved into an Advisory Board. For information on how to join this board, please contact Rose Carmona at rcarmona@sfsu.edu.
Improving Dreams, Equity, Access, and Success (IDEAS)
This is a student-led organization that supports and advocates for undocumented/ AB 540 students at SF State. Students meet weekly. For more information you can email ideassfsu@gmail.com.
Website: IDEAS SF STATE Website Facebook: IDEAS SF STATE Facebook
Regardless of what happens undocumented students still have certain basic human rights. Below are trusted links from organizations with detailed list of these rights:
- National Immigration Law Center: Know Your Rights
- MALDEF, The Latino Legal Voice for Civil Rights in America: Immigrants’ Rights Under a Trump Presidency
- United We Dream: Know Your Rights; Know Your Power
DACA is NOT and never has been a criteria for completing the CA Dream application. It is NOT and never has been an eligibility criteria for Dream Cal Grants, Dream State University Grants, and Dream EOP Grants. To the best of our knowledge, state aid for eligible AB 540 students will not be affected by any changes to DACA.
The Office of Student Financial Aid staff is here to support you through your academic pursuits.
A lot of students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals are feeling fear of what the future holds. The president's administration has announced that as of September 5th DACA has been rescinded and no new DACA applications will be accepted. Do not apply for DACA if they are applying for the first time. Individuals whose DACA expires before March 5, 2018 must reapply before October 5th, 2016. Please have students contact a legal expert as soon as possible. For more information about the DACA announceent please visit our CSU Fact Sheet Regarding the Rescission of DACA.
- Mission Asset Fund can assisting undocumented individuals in finding ways to pay for your DACA renewal. Check them out for more info or ask me how they can help. The DACA renewal process will increase from $380 to $495 on December 23rd.
Please make sure you are receiving and forwarding accurate legal information from trusted lawyers and organizations like:
It is ok for undocumented individuals to find out if they qualify for other immigration options. For more information about immigration options check out Immigrant Rising's Beyond Deferred Action: Long-Term Remedies That Every Undocumented Young Person Should Know About.
For no to low cost immigration law support individuals can contact the following Legal Centers in San Francisco:
- African Advocacy Network: 938 Valencia Street | San Francisco, CA 94110 Phone: (415) 503-1032
- You can set up an appointment via phone
- API Legal Outreach: 1121 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 Phone: (415) 567-6255
- You can set up an appointment via phone
- Immigrants Rising Legal Intake Service:
- Immigrants Rising offers this service to undocumented young people who do not yet have legal residency or citizenship in the United States. It’s FREE. Learn about your potential immigration options at no cost. It’s ANONYMOUS. You do not need to use your real name. It’s CONFIDENTIAL. Your information will not be shared with anyone outside the Immigrants Rising’s Legal Services Team.
- La Raza Centro Legal: 474 Valencia Street, #295, San Francisco, CA 94103 Phone: 415-575-3500
- You can set up an appointment with them by:
- Emailing Edwin Carmona-Cruz at Edwin@lrcl.org or Marcos Pacheco at marcos@lrcl.org
- Providing your name and contact number
- Providing a brief description of your immigration issue (ie. I want to find out if I qualify for DACA)
- Letting them know that SF State's AB 540 Dream Coordinator, Norma Salcedo has referred you
- You can set up an appointment with them by:
For more detailed legal information please visit:
DACA Students are not recommended to travel beyond January 20 since the president can remove DACA and Advance Parole at any time. If DACA students have plans to visit another country after January 20 it is advised to not travel after this date. For more information you can contact any of the Legal Experts mentioned above. Learn more about this here:
If students are planning to fly on or after January 20 they need to make sure they are flying domestically with a valid ID. Legal experts are advising that undocumented individuals do not travel using an AB 60 driver’s license but regular licenses are perfect.
Undocumented students may be having concerns about their health care. Below is some information about the health care programs that are at risk post January 20:
- Stay Informed
- Attend an UndocuAlly Training if you would like to learn more about the undocumented student experience and how you can support. Undocually Training for more information about our trainings.
- Keep up to date on current events that may impact the undocumented community including articles written by the Golden Gate Xpress
- You can learn more about the undocumented movement and find educator resources at these sites:
- Listen
- Our undocumented students come from all walks of life and intersectionalities. Many hold multiple identities impacted by the outcome of the presidential election. Their stories come with pain, grief, resilience, and much more. Allow students to be vulnerable and share their story, fears, and needs. You may not know you have them in your classroom so we encourage you to express support for ALL students who may be affected by the outcome of the presidential election.
- Immigrants Rising are immigrants Rising’s 10 ways you can continue to support our undocumented students
- Information and tips on how to deal with disruptive students at SF State
- Our undocumented students come from all walks of life and intersectionalities. Many hold multiple identities impacted by the outcome of the presidential election. Their stories come with pain, grief, resilience, and much more. Allow students to be vulnerable and share their story, fears, and needs. You may not know you have them in your classroom so we encourage you to express support for ALL students who may be affected by the outcome of the presidential election.
- Advocate
- As Staff and/or Faculty on campus you can support by advocating for undocumented students in your departments
- Create paid research and professional opportunities through stipends and/or honorariums
- Ensure that your departmental scholarships are available to all students regardless of citizenships status
- Create programs in your departments that support the academic success of all underrepresented populations
- As Staff and/or Faculty on campus you can support by advocating for undocumented students in your departments
- Support SF State Resources for Undocumented Students
- You can donate to our Undocumented Student Support and Advocacy Fund. All proceeds go towards creating programming, services, and support to our students at SF State.
- Faculty and Staff have been fundraising to provide scholarships to undocumented students since 2012. We have supported 37 students in which 85% have either graduated or are in the progress of graduating. You can help undergraduate and graduate students graduate by contributing to the Continue the Dream for Academic Excellence Scholarship Fund.
- You can donate to our Continue the Dream scholarship fund # 47972. For any questions or concerns please call Arina Krasnitskaya at (415) 338-6571.
The Dream Resource Center is open to all, and anyone interested in our activities and resources is welcome regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.