Emotional Wellness Tips

Individuals' immigration status is an identity that is often targeted by different sources. Many may have been experiencing anxiety or depression due to the actions of the current president's administration. Each of you may be trying to understand and make sense about what it means to have a president that has targeted immigrants in our country. The Counseling and Psychological Services at SF State would like to provide some helpful tips to keep in mind as you navigate your experience as a student. 

it is normal to have mixed feelings including sadness, fear, anxiety, anger, disgust, and other feelings. Check in with yourself and ask what am I feeling?

You may feel targeted as media and other communication sources talk about immigration. Please try to refrain from watching media in the next few days.

You may be feeling the need to grieve the loss of the outcome of the election. Share with others what other losses this is triggering including the fear and potential loss of family to deportation or the fear of your own deportation.


Have at least three people that you feel you can talk to when you are feeling down (examples, parents, siblings, friends, professors, AB540/undocumented allies)

Be sure that you think about your safety in the days to come as you may encounter heated discussions or physical altercations. Although you have a right to be angry, ensure that you are not responding with violence unless it is for self-defense.

Think about self-soothing activities that you can engage in to reduce stress such as exercise, dancing, hiking, listening to music. Imagine a place that makes you feel at peace.

Remember to reach out to community and come together. As a community, how can you address the changes in our country and environment?

Think about developing an action plan to take care of yourself. Helping others sometimes can shift the focus for you including volunteering or joining social advocacy groups. Connect with organizations such as the Dream Resource Center, IDEAS at SF State, United We Dream, Immigrants Rising, and others.

Remember that you can seek personal counseling if you are feeling increasingly anxious, panic attacks, insomnia, trouble getting out of bed, difficulty concentrating on academics, increased crying depressed. Counseling and Psychological Services is in SSB 205, (415) 338-2208.


Also watch out for friends or peers that may be in distress, walk them to counseling or call Counseling and Psychological Services is in SSB 205, (415) 338-2208.

The Dream Resource Center is open to all, and anyone interested in our activities and resources is welcome regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.