Continue the Dream for Academic Excellence Scholarship Fund

The Continue the Dream for Academic Excellence was established in 2011 by SF State staff and faculty to help students pursue their academic goals regardless of their immigration status. We have supported 73 students of which 92% have either graduated or are successfully working towards graduation. Our goal is to continue to support as many students as possible year after year.
Continue the Dream Committee Members:
Rose Carmona, Academic Advising Coordinator, Metro College Success
Karla Castillo, Counselor Faculty, Counseling and Psychological Services
Luis A De Paz Fernandez, AB 540 Dream Coordinator, Dream Resource Center
Eurania Isabel López Ed. D., Assistant Director, Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment
Gilberto R. Ramirez, Financial Aid Counselor

One of our founders, Karla Castillo, along with four other community members will be participating in a swim from Alcatraz to raise funds for this scholarship on Saturday, September 07, 2019 at The South End Rowing Club 22nd Annual Alcatraz Invitational. Last year we raised over $5,000 with your donations. Our students need your support now more than ever! Help us achieve our goal once more by donating to SFSU Dream. For more information contact us at
The Dream Resource Center is open to all, and anyone interested in our activities and resources is welcome regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.